Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mystery History Maker

Hello Readers!

It's a new day, so that means new post!
So I am super excited for tomorrow, because we are going to an awesome field trip to the Museum of Civilization.
Ms.Pollock has us doing an assignment, called 'Mystery History Match' , where we play this game, and answer the following questions.

The Mystery History Match I was matched up with was Pierre Elliott Trudeau.

Pierre Trudeau


1.The truth is, I wasn't able to identify my Mystery History Match with the clues provided, until they the game told me at the end, who I was paired up with.

2. -Some things I have in common with Mr.Trudeau, was he was a very athletic, and active person. He skied, scuba dived, surfed, swam, and did yoga, and I love doing yoga.
He also earned a brown belt in judo.
    -During his campaign, he had a nickname, which was PET. (His initials, because his name was too long). I also have a nickname, which is Claire. Because Clarissa to some what too long.

3. Pierre Elliot Trudeau is historically significant to Canada because he was the fifteenth Prime Minister of Canada. He was in office April 20, 1968 – June 4, 1979.

"I will use all my strength just to bring about a just society."
-Pierre Elliott Trudeau

If you want more information on Mr.Trudeau, click here.

So that's it for blogging today! I'm thinking about changing my layout, just so ya'll know if you come back to my blog, and not think I was hacked. Ha.
Until next time lovely Bloggers,



  1. Oh soo now u change ur background...

  2. ^^tht guy is soo awesome,,idk him bt hes soo amazing ;)
